Makki Food Industries
Makki Food Industries & Dessurations
Makki International
Основана с 1952 года
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Makki Food Industries & Dessurations

Makki: a leading Syrian institution in the food and sweets industries, headquartered in the Damascus countryside. The starting point was in 1952 at the hands of Mr. Mohamed Adel Makki, the founder of the project, and after a lot of hard work, one of his sons continued his career and was able to launch his own project “Makki” when Mr. Hossam Makki decided to start producing a package of food and sweets industries in the form of salable boxes.

Gradually Gradually, the facility, which initially targeted the local market, continued to grow and expand in the quality of its products and the diversity of its types until the work developed and became a large, pioneering institution with wide regional and international reach, as it was able to enter global markets, including: the United States of America, Russia, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Qatar, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon.

Makki International
Food Industries

The institution is a great responsibility and a lot of efforts are made in order
to achieve the best and provide products that suit your tastes.


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Makki International

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Makki International

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Makki International

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Makki International

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Makki International

barazek Gefour

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Makki International

Mini Triangle

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Makki Food Industries

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